英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Kee Chung Low

  • Kee Chung Low
    Kee Chung Low

    2012 - PhD Infectious Disease, National University of Singapore

    2007 - BSc (Hons) Microbiology, National University of Singapore

    Academic background

    Dr Low has a PhD in Infectious Disease; his thesis focused on host susceptibility factors and their influence on virulence in melioidosis. Following this, he completed a postdoc as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology IMCB, A*STAR, investigating the role of telomerase in hypoxia-inducible factor pathway to reveal a role telomerase in HIF protein levels in cancer cells. He also studied the non-canonical roles of telomerase in cancer using various methods.

    Publishing history

    Dr Low has published five papers in peer-reviewed journals (three as first author), including Biomolecular Frontiers, the Journal of Clinical Investigation, and Trends in Biochemical Sciences.

    Writing Experience

    As a bilingual medical writer, Dr Low has developed various written materials for pharmaceutical clients and patient advocacy groups in both English and Mandarin, including manuscripts, presentation slides, meeting reports, internal newsletters, and surveys. He joined Edanz Group as a medical writer in 2017.